Your Choice

Friday, 29 June 2012

Computers Tips

Internet Explorer And Keyboard Shortcuts

Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts
F11 Toggle between Full Screen and regular view of the browser window
TAB Move forward through the items on a Web page, the Address bar, and the Links bar
SHIFT+TAB Move back through the items on a Web page, the Address bar, and the Links bar
ALT+HOME Go to your Home page
ALT+RIGHTARROW Go to the next page
ALT+LEFT ARROW Go to the previous page
BACKSPACE Go to the previous page
SHIFT+F10 Display a shortcut menu for a link
CTRL+TAB Move forward between frames
F6 Move forward between frames
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB Move back between frames
UP ARROW Scroll toward the beginning of a document
END Move to the end of a document
CTRL+F Find on this page
F5 or CTRL+R Refresh the current Web page only if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are different
CTRL+F5 efresh the current Web page, even if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are the same&
ESC Stop downloading a page
CTRL+L Go to a new location
CTRL+N Open a new window
CTRL+w Close the current window
F1 Display the Internet Explorer Help, or when in a dialog box, display context help on an item
CTRL+D Add the current page to your favorites
CTRL+B Open the Organize Favorites dialog box
ALT+UP ARROW Move selected item up in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box
ALT+DOWN ARROW Move selected item down in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box

Chat Abbreviations

Abbreviations means Abbrevi means
EMFBI Excuse me for butting in 404 I haven't a clue
EMSG E-mail message ADN Any day now
F2F Face to face AFAIK As far as I know
FISH First in, still here AFK Away from keyboard
FLA Four-letter acronym AFK Away from keyboard
FMTYEWTK Far more than you ever wanted to know ARE Acronym-rich environment
FYI For your information ASAP As soon as possible
GAL Get a life A/S/L? Age/sex/location?
GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that B4N Bye for now
GL Good luck BAK Back at the keyboard
GMAB Give me a break BBL Be back later
GTRM Going to read mail BBN Bye bye now
H&K Hug and kiss BF Boy friend
HAGN Have a good night BL Belly laughing
HAND Have a nice day BOTEC Back-of-the-envelope calculation
IC I see BRB Be right back
IHU I hear you BTW By the way
IM Immediate message CICO Coffee in, coffee out
IMO In my opinion CNP Continued in next post
IMS I am sorry CU See you
IWALU I will always love you CUL See you later
IYSWIM If you see what I mean CYO See you online
JIC Just in case DIKU Do I know you?
JMO Just my opinion DITYID Did I tell you I'm distressed?
KISS Keep it simple stupid DOM Dirty old man
KOTC Kiss on the cheek DWB Don't write back

Isp setting

Primary DNS Server Assigned
Secondary DNS Server Assigned
Proxy Direct
Dialup No. 13111155.13122255.13133355
Help Line 4548674-76
Primary DNS Server Assigned
Secondary DNS Server Assigned
Incoming - - -
Proxy Direct
Dialup No. 13145678-79
Help Line 111-222-888
Primary DNS Server Assigned
Secondary DNS Server Assigned
Proxy Direct
Dialup No. 13111333
Help Line 111-700-800
Primary DNS Server Assigned
Secondary DNS Server Assigned
Proxy Direct
Dialup No. 13111155.13122255.13133355
Help Line 4548674-76

Mobile Tips

Nokia Secret Code

Short Hand for Nokia:We Provides Stander Nokia Code for various network services. Most Nokia phones have easier ways to activate them through the menus. Check the guides for your model.


Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 1

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #

Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # lub * # 9 9 9 9 #

Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #

Sim lock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]

Network lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 2

Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 3

SimCard lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 4

1234567890 - MasterCode which is generated from IMEI

Detailed Notes for Nokia

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#0000#

To view Status of Sim Clock Stop. Enter *#746025625#

Latest Version is under Phone Info

Type is NSE-3NX

*#92702689# offers you Serial Number and also IMEI number. There are various options to scroll here.

The code is easier to remember as *#war0anty# (warranty)

The next screen is the date of manufacture in the format Made: 1197

The next screen is the purchase date in the format Purchasing Date: 1197 (this can be edited)

The next screen has Repaired: 0000 (presumable at repair the date is entered)

The next screen has Transfer User Data? (the same option as the 8110)

To exit turn the phone off and then back on.

*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate (*efr0#)

#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate (#efr0#)

*4720# to activate Half Rate (*hra0#) ONLY IN SOFTWARE VERSION V4.33 OR EARLIER

#4720# to deactivate Half Rate (#hra0#)

After pressing these codes the phone will shut down and start up again with the service activated/deactivated.

Unlock SP lock

Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SP Lock code !!!!

Give it a try:

First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:C

C and hold until it clears display

* and hold until start to blink

* and hold until start to blink

04* * *your pin#

Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(

Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?

6110 Sim Card Locking

There are four different types of Sim Locks on the 6110 (not sure about 5110 yet).

1 = Country Lock - Lock to Specific Country

2 = Network Lock - Lock to Network

3 = Provider Lock - Lock to Service Provider

4 = Sim Lock - Lock to Specific SIM Card

To see the status of your phone


(mastercode) is a 10 digit number WITHOUT the brackets.

X is a number 1 through 4, it shows the above locks. Not sure of which numbers are assigned to which lock yet. (The numbers above stand for X => for example: 1 = Country Lock

Sim not restricted message means your phone is NOT sim locked - Check all 4 to be sure.

Most SIMs are locked with the Service Provider Lock => f.e. to the network of MAX

Adding NEW Ring Tones

Set SMSC to +358405202999 (Smart Messaging)

Send a SMS to 99999 with the word TONES in the message

When you get the reply, edit the message so that the tone that you want does not have a asterisk in front of it. Now send the message to 99999. The phone will display NEW RING TONE RECEIVED.

Turning on Car Kit and Head Set Menus (Cannot be turned off)

To enable the headset-function, you have to short-circuit the "3" and "4". After a short time there is "Headset" on the display Now, menu 3-6 is now enabled!

To enable the car kit-function you have to short-circuit the "4" and "5". After a short time, "Car" is shown on the display and the menu 3-7 is enabled!!

If you short-circuit the left and the right contact with the middle contact ("3", "6" and "9") the Nokia Software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this, just active the "auto call receive" function in the headphone profile and set the ringing volume to "mute" Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Place the phone somewhere under a table in this room and call your phone! The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to the words these people are talking about!

Nokia 1610

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#170602112302#

Latest Version is under Phone Info

Pin outs

Desktop Charger----------------------|

| |

| |


V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V

(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |

7 8 9 10 11 12

1 GND Digital Ground

2 V_OUT Accessory Output Supply. (Min/Typ/Max - 3.25V...10V - Output Current 50mA)

3 XMIC External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification


*TYP/MAX: 8...50 mV (The Maximum Value Corresponds to 0dBm Network


ID Accessory Identification



4 NC Not Connected

5 NC Not Connected

6 MBUS Serial Control Bus

*Logic Low Level: 0....0.5V

*Logic High Level:2.4V....3.2V

7 NC Not Connected

8 SGND Signal Ground

9 XEAR External Speaker and Mute Control

*Min/Typ/Max: 0....32....500 mV (Typical level corresponds to -16 dBM)

Network Level with Volume Control in Nominal Position 8dB Below Maximum

Maximum 0 dBM Maximum Volume Codec Gain -6dB)

Mute ON (HF SPEAKER MUTE ):0...0,5 V d.c.

Mute OFF (HF SPEAKER ACTIVE ): 1,0...1,7 V d.c.

10 Hook Hook Signal

*Hook Off (Handset in Use): 0....0.5V

*Hook On (Handset in Use): 2.4V....3.2V

11 NC Not Connected

12 V_IN Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)

Nokia 2010

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#9999#

Nokia 2110

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#9999#

Latest Version is under Phone Info

Type is NHE-1XN

Unlock SP lock

Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SP Lock code !!!!

Give it a try

Turn the phone on, when the phone asks for the Security Code,



now quickly press:






Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(

Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?

Nokia 2110e/2110i

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#170602112302#

If you have latest software version you have to enter *#682371158412125#

Latest Version is under Phone Info

To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#

On phones prior to 01/01/96 1295 means December 95, On phones after 01/01/96 2196 means 21st week of 1996.

To enter small letters hold down the key for a few seconds and it will turn caps off

Nokia 2110 Pin outs

Pin outs of X100 system connector

ANT 16 9 Charging connector

(O) I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I ( ) ( o )

CON 8 1

The left symbol (O) is the antenna connector for car kits. The symbol numbered 16-9 on the top and 8-1 on the bottom is the system connector. the ( ) is the open space next to the connector and the ( o ) is the charging connector for you home-charger.

PIN Name Description

--- ---- -----------

1,9 GND Digital ground

2 MIC/JCONN External audio input from accessories or hands free microphone. Multiplexed with junction box connection control signal

3 AGND Analogue ground for accessories

4 TDA Transmitted DBUS data to the accessories

5 M2BUS Serial Bidirectional data and control between the hand portable and accessories

6 HOOK/RXD2 Hook indication. HP has a 100KE pull-up resistor.

7 PHFS/TXD2 Hands free device power on/off, data to flash programming device.

8,16 VCHAR Battery charging voltage

10 EAR/HFPWR External Audio output to accessories or hands free speaker

11 DSYNC DBUS data bit sync clock

12 RDA DBUS received data from the accessories

13 BENA Power supply to headset adapter

14 VF Programming voltage for FLASH

15 DCLK DBUS data clock

Battery Connector (on the phone)


1 2 3 4

1 ...... GND ground (-)

2 ...... TBAT battery temperature

3 ...... BTYPE -"- type

4 ...... VBATT -"- battery voltage (+)

As you can imagine. YOU CAN DESTROY YOUR NOKIA BY FOOLING AROUND WITH THESE CONNECTIONS. Therefore I accept NO responsibility for any possible damages. My advise to you is to think twice before doing something and if you are going to try make use of a car-kit holder to get access to the X100 connector since it is to tiny to use a self-fashioned connector. IT IS POSSIBLE TO REPROGRAM THE NOKIA 2110 as is indicated by the pin out description so watch it !

DTMF Programming

If you dial in to a service number which requires DTMF strings after you have dialed in, you can program the whole sequence. What you do is:

Key in the number.

Press the * three times: a 'p' appears (pause).

Key in the DTMF code, you can use 'p' again in this string.

Store this in memory.

If you select the memory place, and dial the stored number, the mobile will wait a few seconds (pause) and then send the string as DTMF.

Another option is to press the * four times: a 'w' appears (wait). When the 'w' is reached in the call string, 'DTMF' appears at the left menu button. When you press the left menu button the mobile starts sending DTMF.

Car kit Programming

If you use a car kit with hands free AND additional handset, and you want to switch from handset to hands free:

Press the left menu button, and put the additional handset on hook.

Now you are on hands free.

Interesting thing to try

As you may know, 2110i supports Call Cost Limit function which means that you can limit the maximum of calls from your phone. This function has a feature that it shows the remaining credits in the third row of the display. It should decrease every time you make a call, but if your operator doesn't support this yet, you can display your phone number or anything else there.

And how to do this? First, go to the "DURATION AND COST" menu. Select "CALL COSTS LIMIT". The phone asks you the PIN2-code, you should get it from your operator. After entering PIN2, select "Set". Phone asks you "Limit:". Enter maximum of seven numbers you want to be visible on display, for example my phone number is 0405100210, so I enter 5100210. So these numbers will be last numbers on display.

And then go to back to the "DURATION AND COST" menu. Select "SHOW COST IN". Enter the PIN2-code. Select "Currency". Enter "Unit price:", I recommend setting it "1". Phone asks you "Currency unit:" Enter the maximum of three numbers or letters or symbols you want to be visible as first numbers/letters/ symbols on display. I entered "040".

Now you are ready. Quit the menu and the number should be on the third row of the display! So, on my display, the last row of the display says 0405100210. It stays there even if you switch off your phone. (Of course it disappears while

you dial a number or use the menu etc.)

Nokia 3110

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#3110#

*#92702689# - phone asks warranty code:

There are a number of choices here

6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture

7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repair

7832 (OK) : Displays the date where the phone was purchased

9268 (OK) : Display Serial Number

37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MM YY

87267 (OK) : Confirm Transfer, Related to firmware upgrade.

*#746025625# - phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.

*#7780# restores phone's factory settings.

Type is NHE-8

Pin outs

Desktop Charger----------------------|

| |

| |


V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V

(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |

7 8 9 10 11 12

Unlock SP lock

Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SP Lock code !!!!

Give it a try:

First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:


C and hold until it clears display

* and hold until start to blink

* and hold until start to blink

04* * *your pin#

Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(

Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?

Nokia 3810

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#3810#

Pin outs

Desktop Charger----------------------|

| |

| |


V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V

(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |

7 8 9 10 11 12

Nokia 6150

*#0000# shows the SW version.

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#92702689# to enter service menu.

Nokia 7110

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#0000# shows the SW version.

*#3370# - better sound quality

*#3370* - better sound quality turned off

*#4720# - bad sound quality, save up to 30% off battery

*#4720* - normal sound quality

*#746025625# - Sim clock allowed status.

Nokia 8110/8110i

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#8110#

Latest Version is under Phone Info.

*#92702689# - phone asks 'warranty code:'

There are a number of choices here

6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture

7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repair

7832 (OK) : Displays the date where the phone was purchased

9268 (OK) : Display Serial Number

37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MM YY

87267 (OK) : Confirm Transfer, Related to firmware upgrade.

*#746025625# - phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.

Type of Phone is NHE-6

Pin outs

Desktop Charger----------------------|

| |

| |


V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V

(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |

7 8 9 10 11 12

1 GND Charger/System Ground

2 V_OUT Accessory Output Supply. (Min/Typ/Max - 3.4V...10V - Output Current 50mA)

3 XMIC External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification


*TYP/MAX: 8...50 mV (The Maximum Value Corresponds to 0dBm Network

Level with input amplifier gain set to 20 dB ,typical value is maximum value -16 dB)

ID Accessory Identification

*1,7...2,05 V Headset Adapter Connected

*1,15...1,4 V Compact Hands free Unit Connected

*2.22...2.56 V Infra Red Link Connected

4 EXT_RF External RF Control Input

Min/Max: 0...0.5V External RF in use

Min/Max: 2.4...3.2V Internal Antenna in use

5 TX FBUS Transmit

6 MBUS Serial Control Bus

*Logic Low Level: 0....0.5V

*Logic High Level:2.4V....3.2V

7 BENA Not Connected

8 SGND Signal Ground

9 XEAR External Speaker and Mute Control

*Min/Typ/Max: 0....32....500 mV (Typical level corresponds to -16 dBM)

Network Level with Volume Control in Nominal Position 8dB Below Maximum

Maximum 0 dBM Maximum Volume Codec Gain -6dB)

Mute ON (HF SPEAKER MUTE ):0...0,5 V d.c.

Mute OFF (HF SPEAKER ACTIVE ): 1,0...1,7 V d.c.

10 Hook Hook Signal

*Hook Off (Handset in Use): 0....0.5V

*Hook On (Handset in Use): 2.4V....3.2V

11 RX FBUS Receive

*Accessory FBUS Receive Signal

12 V_IN Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)

Nokia 8810

To view IMEI number *#06#

Nokia 9000/9000i

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#682371158412125#

Latest Version is under Phone Info

To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#

Nokia 3110 Secret Codes

Unlock your Nokia

To unlock your Nokia phone you will need some of the following:

1. Data Cable

2. Unlock Software

3. Extra Help + help Guides

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#7780# restores Factory Settings..(Memory, language, counters not included)

*#3110# for checking the phone's software (SW) - called firmware revision information.

*#746025625# [*#sim0clock#] to check if the Sim-Clock can be Stopped

(Sim-clock-stop is a kind of standby mode which will save battery time)

*#92702689# [*#war0anty#] Phone asks 'warranty code:'

Press the following warranty code:

6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)

7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repair - if found ('DATE NOT SAVED'...)

7832 (OK) : Displays (if found) the date where the phone was purchased ('DATE NOT SAVED'...)

9268 (OK) : Displays Serial Number

37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY (Warning: You can only do this once - So be careful ...)

87267 (OK) : Transfers ALL phone numbers, pictures, sounds from one phone to another

(e.g. if broken) with 6110 u can transfer all data via IRport. (Confirm Transfer?)

'Fast silent mode'.

In the newer versions (v.7.11->) a quick silent mode can by entered.

Press Menu then #.

The 54# Tip:

Type 1#, 2#........54# on the keypad (when you're not in the menu) to get the phone number used for with this key when speed dialing.

Nokia 3210 Secret Codes

Unlock your Nokia

To unlock your Nokia phone you will need some of the following:

1. Data Cable

2. Unlock Software

3. Extra Help + help Guides

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#0000# shows the SW version.

*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. It will automatically restart.

*#3370* - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation. It will automatically restart.

*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart

*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart

*#746025625# - Sim clock allowed status.

Enhanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitation Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits.(but you take up more space on the network, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced with about 5%

Half Rate will give you bad soundquality, which gives the serviceprovider the opportunity to have more calls on the network, and you might get a lower charge from them. - Will give you 30% longer talk-time.

Sim Clock Stop : *#746025625# apparently only works for 3 minuts.

*#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu with 6 choices

1) shows the serial nr.

2) shows when the cel phone was made mmyy

3) shows when the the cel. phone was purchased mmyy

4) shows how many times the cel. phone has been repaired.

5) makes u capebel of transferring user data if u have the gear for it

6) shows how many houres the phone has been on

Nokia 3310 Secret Codes

Unlock your Nokia

To unlock your Nokia phone you will need some of the following:

1. Data Cable

2. Unlock Software

3. Extra Help + help Guides

Enhanced Full Rate

For activation enter *#3370#

For deactivation enter *#3370*

In both cases the phone will automatically restart.

Firmware check


Service codes

*#0000# or *#9999# (Not Tested)

1st Line - Software Version

2nd Line - Date of Software release

3rd Line - Phone Type.

*#92702689# or *#92772689# Display the phone's software version.

SIM Clock Stop


Nokia 3330 Secret Codes

Unlock your Nokia

To unlock your Nokia phone you will need some of the following:

1. Data Cable

2. Unlock Software

3. Extra Help + help Guides

Imei Information

To view the imei number on this model simply type *#06#

*#170602112302# shows the SW version.

Service Provider Lock

Service Provider lock is the lock to your phone which is implement by your service provider e.g. Orange onto your sim card.

The phone is usually locked to a certain SP but it can be unlocked allowing you access to other service providers that provide a better deal.

The same effect can also be used by using a Dual sim, you could have two sim cards in one phone allowing you to switch between sims and SP

1. First sim = Orange

2. Second sim = One2One

SMSC (Short Message Serivce Centre Numbers)

SMS Centre number allow you to send free sms, by changing your message centre number like this:

1. Go to messages

2. Message Settings

3. Set 1

4. Message Centre Number

5. Then change the number to one from SMSC Number section


*#war0anty# - Warranty

This will show your warrnty details *#92702689#


Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.


Deactivates the above.


Shows your software version.


Shows your IMEI number.


This shows if your phone will allow simclock stoppage.


Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart


Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart

*3001#12345# (TDMA phones only)

This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll be presented with the programming menu.2) Select "NAM1"

3) Select "PSID/RSID"

4) Select "P/RSID 1"

Note: Any of the P/RSIDs will work

5) Select "System Type" and set it to Private

6) Select "PSID/RSID" and set it to 1

7) Select "Connected System ID"

Note: Enter your System ID for Cantel, which is 16401 or 16423. If you don't know yours, ask your local dealer for it.

8) Select "Alpha Tag"

9) Enter a new tag, then press OK

10) Select "Operator Code (SOC)" and set it to 2050

11) Select "Country Code" and set it to 302 for Canada, and 310 for the US. Ask on the forum for any other codes.

12) Power down the phone and power it back on again


To check the ISDN number on your nokia use this code *#92772689#

Restore Factory Settings

To do this simply use this code *#7780#

Manufacturer Info

Date of Manufacturing *#3283#

Nokia 3810 Secret Codes

Unlock your Nokia

To unlock your Nokia phone you will need some of the following:

1. Data Cable

2. Unlock Software

3. Extra Help + help Guides

*#06# To view IMEI number

*#3810# To view software version

Nokia 1610/1611 Secret Codes

Unlock your Nokia

To unlock your Nokia phone you will need some of the following:

1. Data Cable

2. Unlock Software

3. Extra Help + help Guides

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#170602112302# shows the SW version.

Latest software version on Nokia 1610: v 5.15 (25.02.97) NHE-5NX - older version

V 4.19

Latest software version on Nokia 1611: V 4.03 NHE-5SX

New Info Below

To View IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

enter *#06#

Firmware version enter


Unlock information

Service Provider unlock information

The Service provider (SP) lock is used to lock the cell phone to the SP's SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, and one inserts a SIM card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it! The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator.

Tips and Tricks

Bypass the SP lock

With some versions of Nokia 16xx/21xx/31xx/51xx/81xx that are SIMlocked you can bypass the SP lock like this:

1] Insert sim card of diferent provider.

2] Turn on the phone and press the UP VOLUME key for 3 sec. then release it and the phone says PIN CODE ?

3] Press the "C" key.

4] Then Press * and wait until it desapear and apear again, then press * one more time and 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#

The phone now says: PIN CODE CHANGED (or ACCEPTED)

and the SIM card is accepted until you restart the phone again.

NOTE: On vesion 5.04 (5110) Nokia has removed this option !

FREE sms

Some service number (SMSC) for sending sms can be found around the world.

We have collected some of them and listed them for you:

Denmark: +4528187000

(Only Danish Sonofon subscriber can use this number and only from monday-friday)

Germany: +491722271042

Russia: +78129600096

Unknown: +352091000030

Unknown: +352021100003

Sweden: +46707990001 Comviq

Austrlia +61411990001 Optus

Tip for some service providers:

- Type *n# in the begining of the sms for a status report.

- Type *h# in the begining of the sms to hide your ID.

It seem that TELENOR MOBIL send out letters with the purpose of closing all free servers.

Firmware information


The phone should display something similar to this:




First line

The firmware Version

Second line

The date of the SW release.

Third line

NHE-4 has something to do with the type of phone you are dealing with.

Is it GSM 900 (standard), GSM 1800 (DCS1800) or GSM 1900 (PCS1900)?

Nokia 2110, 3110, 8110(i) are all NHE types. The only thing that vary is the code after NHE- ("4").

NHE = GSM 900, NHK =GSM 1800 - The number in the end = the model (2110i = 4 etc.)

Firmware update

We have been asked a lot about how to update the firmware in Cellular phones.

The easiest thing to do is to go to the nearest cellular dealer and make him do it for you.

Just remember that it is supposed to be free if the garranty has not ran out however a receipt is normally required.

Latest Firmware

Type: NHE-5NX

V 5.23 (00-00-00) NHE-5NX

V 4.19 (00-00-00) NHE-5NX

General information

Cell Broadcast

While Short Message Service (SMS) can be configured as a personal service, Cell Broadcast is a general service which is designed for subscribers of a specific cell or topic. For example, a subscriber to cell 050 in England will receive information on the GSM tower currently being used by their phone. This new concept brings a whole new meaning to the term mobile communications as the phone is now able to receive information such as share prices or weather updates without the need of data cards and computers. At present the following message types exist (note: this may vary from carrier to carrier and some carriers may charge for this service):

Code Title

000 Index

010 Flashes

020 Hospitals

022 Doctors

024 Pharmacy

030 Long Distant Road Reports

032 Local Road Reports

034 Taxis

040 Weather

050 District

052 Network Information

054 Operator Services

056 Directory Inquiries (national)

057 Directory Inquiries (international)

058 Customer Care (national)

059 Customer Care (international)

IMEI Information



TAC = Type Approval Code (first 2 digits = country code of the approval-country )

FAC = Final Assembly Code (01,02 = AEG)

(10,20 Nokia)

(40,41,44 Siemens)

(30 Ericsson)

(50 Bosch)

(51 Sony,Siemens,Ericsson)

(60 Alcatel)

(65 AEG)

(70 Sagem)

(75 Dancall)

(80 Philips)

(85 Panasonic)

SNR = Serial Nr.

SP = Spare (always "0")

NOKIA 5110/5120/5130/5190

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #

Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #

Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]

Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #

Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+1

Network lock status #pw+1234567890+2

Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+3

SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+4

NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/6150/6190

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #

Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #

Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]

Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #

Nokia N201 Cellular Telephone (170-1499) Programming

1. Turn on phone.

2. Enter *3001#12345.

3. Enter [STO]00. Display says STOR

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

bollywood movies ful (10)

London Paris New York – 2012 – Full HD Movie
Jodi Breakers – 2012 – Full HD Movie
Awarapan full movie 2007 high quality HD
Players (2012) Eng Sub – Hindi Movie

funny clips(12)




Sunday, 24 June 2012

Electrolux Pakistan

                         Welcome to Electrolux Pakistan

Starting out with a single vacuum cleaner, after 80 years of innovations and acquisitions, the Electrolux Group today is a global leader in home appliances and appliances for professional use.

Electrolux is a world leading international appliance company. They are a part in the daily life of hundreds of millions of families around the world.

Each year, some 40 million consumers in more than 150 countries choose Electrolux products. That translates to two Electrolux products bought every second, every day of the year. Today, Electrolux has a large products mix of electronics products that enjoy strong position in International market.

The company focuses on innovations that are thoughtfully designed, based on extensive consumer insight, to meet the real needs of consumers and professionals.

“THINKING OF YOU” expresses the Electrolux offering: always put the users first and foremost, and to maintain continuous focus on the consumer, whether it’s a question of product development, design, production, marketing, logistics or service.


New Allied Electronics Industries (Pvt) Ltd is proud to be associated with Electrolux as their Exclusive distributor in Pakistan. At present New Allied offer Electrolux Air Conditioners, Microwaves, Washing Machine, water Kettle, Toaster and Vacuum in Pakistan Market. These products are trusted by consumers who look for innovation, design and durability at affordable price levels.

Latest Products

Air Conditioner

• Color: white

• Styish Infrared Remote Control

• Electronic Control: Temperature Digital Display

• Air Filtration Integrated System: Dust filter, Double Anti Odour Filter

• Timer Function (24 Hour)

• 3 fan speeds: High, Medium, Low, Auto-Turbo

• Auto Restart

• Anti corrosion Cabinet

• Fully Tropicalized (Climate Class T3)

Microwave Oven

• Black Colour

• Electronic

• Cooking modes: Microwave, Grill

• Combi Grill plus Microwave

• Automatic programs: Auto Defrost, Auto Cooking

• Quartz Grill

• Cavity size gross 36 litres

• Microwave output power: 900 Watt

• Grill output: 1300 Watt

• Digital Display

• Cavity material: enamelled steel

• Glass turnable plate 31,5 cm diameter

Vacuum Cleaner

Battery and portable cleaner

• Charging LED

• Running time: 20 min.

• Dust compartment volume: 0,5 l

• 10 batteries NiMH

• Stick net weight: 3.9 kg.

• Quick filter clean system.

• Efficient and easy to keep clean.

• Cyclonic suction

• Maintains high suction power.

• Tools in charging stand

• Increases areas for use.

• Easy-to-steer nozzle makes

• Its easy to steer around furniture.

• Extra low noise level

• With reduced vibrations and diffuser.

• Easy-to-empty dust cup.

• Just remove and tip out the dust.

• Super clean. Empty the dust cup

• With main vacuum cleaner.

• Removable brush.



Published 2012-06-23 in Electrolux Design Lab 2012

Electrolux Design Lab in collaboration with Design42Day is searching for a social media correspondent that will attend and report from the final event in Milan this autumn.


A member of the Electrolux Design Lab team will act as a mentor and coach for the correspondent throughout the final event.

- Engage Electrolux Design Lab social media platforms as Facebook, Blog, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and other social networks.

- Coordinate social media final event activities. Duties include online advocacy, interviewing, writing content, posting promotional content and maintaining content calendars.

- Maintain a consistent presence, creativity and a friendly environment across all communication channels, engaging fans directly via social media channels, the event, direct email, and within Electrolux Design Lab conversations

- Help develop a strategy and communication schedule before, during and after the final event

Skills that we are looking for:

- In-depth knowledge and understanding of social media platforms and their respective participants (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, etc.)

- Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal.

- Highly self-motivated and proactive with ability to work both with minimal supervision and as part of a team environment.

- The ability to keep a level head and maintain grace under pressure.

- Knowledge of and passion for social media.

- Should have a strong work ethic and a positive attitude, and be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment.

A jury composed of the Electrolux Design Lab team and a representative from Design42day will select one person that will be the correspondent for the final event. The correspondent will get all expenses during the final event paid. The trip includes travel and hotel stay in Milan.

If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, the next step is yours. Send us your application to no later than 6th July and tell us about your experiences from social media and your ability to create engagement within digital and social media channels.

Check Electrolux Design Lab out at:

“I look for inspiration for design away from design”


In 2009, Rickard Hederstierna swept the jury away with his visionary concept “Cocoon”, a sustainable response to the world’s growing population and its desire to consume meat and fish. Similar to heating popcorn in a microwave, Cocoon prepares genetically engineered and prepackaged meat and fish dishes. This process uses science to create food, lifting a burden on the planet by reducing the need for further intensive farming and fishing. Three years later Rickard has gone from his initial internship to being a part of the design team at Electrolux head quarters in Stockholm. We met with Rickard for a talk to see what advice and useful reflections he has to offer this year’s Design Lab participants.

Tell us about the process before the deadline and how it affected your life?
It was at the end of my five years of industrial design studies. I knew the choices I made would influence my future so this was something that I really wanted to do. I had seen the film with Henrik Otto where he introduced the brief and talked about the theme for the competition. It inspired me and I was attracted by a company culture that would create this kind of initiative. So I took a rather boring day job to support myself and then spent evenings and nights working on my concept for Design Lab. I put all my eggs in one basket, so to speak. These were hard times for young designers looking to get hired. It was challenging, but I focused on the positive long-term goal.

What were your thoughts around the actual material that you presented to explain your concept? Did you have a clear idea of what was expected?
Not really, for example I first prepared 100 pages… and then I reduced them to 10. I chose to make a very visual presentation with a lot of images but not too much text. I put a lot of energy into making the presentation material visually appealing and interesting.

Can you describe the thought process behind your concept? How did you come up your the idea?
It is important to me when working with technology and the future, to keep your focus on relevance and needs – rather than just falling in love with the technological possibilities. So that’s how I started. I analyzed the scenario and circumstances of the future consumers, defining given aspects and new needs. From there I could map out a problem and then create a solution for that. I believe this is key to the innovation process, we always need to keep asking ourselves: is this relevant, does it cater to an actual need?

At the finals, you had to present your concept in front of the jury and answer their questions. Were you nervous?
A little bit nervous, yes, of course, because it was an important moment. But I had practiced a lot before, at home in front of the mirror as well as recording and listening to myself presenting. We also got to rehearse with a coach before the final presentation. The experience of having to do the live presentation was very useful and relevant because you have to do this often as a designer. You need to be good at presenting your ideas in a persuasive way. This first experience prepared me for all the lectures, interviews etc. that have followed.

How did it feel to see your idea made into a real prototype?
Actually, I had not realized that this was going to happen initially so this was an amazing surprise. And then I got rather obsessed with the details, what exact color it would be etc. I wanted it to be perfect. It was extremely cool to have real pros build my product.

And what about the time after you won and came to the design centre at Electrolux?
It was great because I was quickly integrated in the teams that worked on very cool big projects. Everyone was very understanding towards me and the role of an intern provided me with some time to grow into my responsibilities.

One last more general question. Where do you look for inspiration?
I follow several design blogs and architecture also really inspires me. Generally, I look for inspiration for design from other sources than product design like architecture, nature, paintings, sculptures etc.

Age: 29
Title: Industrial designer at Dishcare, Major Appliances, Electrolux Design Group
Design Lab Experience: Global winner of the competition with ‘Cocoon’ in 2009

Rickard’s advice to Design Lab participants
1) Join the competition! It is a great experience that will teach you so much and give you the opportunity to meet very talented and experienced people. If you win it is a great way to start your career.
2) Don’t fall in love with technology for technology’s sake. Look for the relevance and purpose of your idea.
3) Keep a global focus, both when it comes to inspiration and for your own benchmark.
4) Keep your presentation tight and interesting. Show the thought process but don’t overwhelm with details.

Blogs Rickard reads:

electronics engineering jobs

 Electronic Engineering Jobs

Functional Duties : Supervises, assigns, and schedules work, usually for a major project or several minor projects, simultaneously, under general direction of the Chief Engineer. May supervise specialized technical sub-groups.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities :

•Â Input to coaching, teaching, mentoring and effective supervision of assigned personnel.

•Â Assists ...

Location: Uralsk, KAZAKHSTAN

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Manager, Estimating - Upstream, WorleyParsons Group


WorleyParsons is a leading provider of professional services to the resources & energy sectors and complex process industries. The US and Latin America/Caribbean region of WorleyParsons has an immediate opening for an Estimating Manager to plan and define upstream estimating strategic and determine the resources required to achieve them, and directs effort to acquire and reta...

Location: Houston, UNITED STATES

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Senior Instrument Engineer, WorleyParsons Group

Primary objective

Carry out instrumentation design engineering activities, including co-ordination with the instrumentation design groups, to engineer tie-ins from a new offshore complex to an existing wellhead platform

Specific Accountabilities

Overall supervision of instrument engi...

Location: Atyrau, KAZAKHSTAN

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Lead Instrument Engineer, WorleyParsons Group

Specific Accountabilities

 Overall supervision of instrument engineers.

Identify areas where specific training would enhance the instrument groups capabilities.

Technical competence of instrument engineering personnel.

Forecast requirements for instrument engineering resources and allocate those reso...

Location: Atyrau, KAZAKHSTAN

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Senior Telecommunications Engineer/Technologist, WorleyParsons Group

â€Å“WorleyParsons strives to be an industry leader in health, safety and environmental performance. Our vision is to achieve zero harm to people and assets, and zero environmental incidents. We select people who share our values, beliefs and commitment to this vision and who demonstrate the expected behaviors, competencies and performance associated with their prospective roles within the comp...

Location: Calgary, CANADA

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Intermediate Controls (Modicon) Specialist, WorleyParsons Group

â€Å“WorleyParsons strives to be an industry leader in health, safety and environmental performance. Our vision is to achieve zero harm to people and assets, and zero environmental incidents. We select people who share our values, beliefs and commitment to this vision and who demonstrate the expected behaviors, competencies and performance associated with their prospective roles within the comp...

Location: Calgary, CANADA

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Intermediate Controls Engineer/Technologist (Honeywell Systems), WorleyParsons Group

â€Å“WorleyParsons strives to be an industry leader in health, safety and environmental performance. Our vision is to achieve zero harm to people and assets, and zero environmental incidents. We select people who share our values, beliefs and commitment to this vision and who demonstrate the expected behaviors, competencies and performance associated with their prospective roles within the comp...

Location: Calgary, CANADA

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Senior Instrument Engineer, WorleyParsons Group

Overall Function

Carry out instrumentation design engineering activities, including co-ordination with the instrumentation design and other discipline groups.Â

Perform Instrumentation engineering design work in with true regard to Safety both in design detail and engineering design execution.

To carry out design work under dir...

Location: Miri, MALAYSIA

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract



Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche

Employment status

Full time regular

About this job

Responsible for failure analysis and troubleshooting of Directional tools and downhole motors.

Key responsibilities/accountabilities

· Demonstrate stand-alone root cause analysis on all assigned technologies.

· Create Cause Maps for specified t...

Location: Ciudad del Carmen, MEXICO

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Mechanical Design Engineer - Support, Orion Group

Our client is a leading global manufacturer of mission critical, complex, stocked and custom oilfield products for use onshore and offshore

As Mechanical Design Engineer - Support your main responsibilities will include

Modelling of complex parts and assemblies and production of detailed drawings and assembly drawings in Solidworks.

Detailed checking of drawings, for ...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Ethics & Compliance and Control Assurance Lead, Orion Engineering Services Ltd

Our client is an international consortium of several major Oil & Gas companies

They are currently recruiting for the position of Ethics & Compliance and Control Assurance Lead, based in Baku Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan local national salary and terms of employment apply to this position.

Main responsibilities will i...

Location: Baku city, AZERBAIJAN

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

GIS Technician, Orion Engineering Services Ltd

Our client is one of the world's largest energy companies employing over 80,000 personnel and operating in over 100 countries worldwide with expertise covering a range of energy sources

As GIS Technician your main responsibilities will include

Spatial data collection and basic survey

Support GIS (Geographical Information System) Team Leader in delivery of GIS strateg...

Location: Baku city, AZERBAIJAN

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract

Senior Geologist: NV West Africa, London, Spencer Ogden

Senior Geologist, London

New Ventures – West Africa

‘To be a main provider of geological analysis and advice for the International New Ventures function of The Company.

A minimum of 10years of experience in a similar role working on Africa and Europe prospect generation’



Analysis of all geologically related data to support the ...

Location: City of London, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Hydraulic Technician (Workshop) - Oil and Gas - Norwich, Hays Oil & Gas

The global leader in electronic security and fire protection services to the Petrochemical and Marine markets is recruiting Mechanical Engineers and Hydraulic Engineers to their East Anglia office due to continual client demand.

This market leading service provider help protect 75% of the top 100 refineries, 80% of the commercial vessels at sea and their portfolio also includes some ...

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Senior EC&I or Mechanical Engineer - Oil and Gas - Norwich, Hays Oil & Gas

The global leader in electronic security and fire protection services to the Petrochemical and Marine markets is recruiting Mechanical Engineers and Hydraulic Engineers to their East Anglia office due to continual client demand.

This market leading service provider help protect 75% of the top 100 refineries, 80% of the commercial vessels at sea and their portfolio also includes some...

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Hydraulic Technician (Offshore, Onshore & Manufacturing), Hays Oil & Gas

The global leader in electronic security and fire protection services to the Petrochemical and Marine markets is recruiting Mechanical Engineers and Hydraulic Engineers to their East Anglia office due to continual client demand.

This market leading service provider help protect 75% of the top 100 refineries, 80% of the commercial vessels at sea and their portfolio also includes some...

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Project Manager (5100), Oceaneering International

Oceaneering is a global oilfield provider of engineered services and products primarily to the offshore oil and gas industry, with a focus on deepwater applications. Through the use of its applied technology expertise, Oceaneering also serves the defense and aerospace industries. Oceaneering's business offerings include remotely operated vehicles, built-to-order specialty subsea hardware, deepwa...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Project Engineer, Experis UK

Project Engineer

My client, a leading defence and aerospace organisation, are looking to take on a project engineer as a result of continued capability growth.


-Production of concept designs developed from information provided by performance engineers and design schemes.

-Provide support t...

Location: West Midlands, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Maintenance Engineer, Raeburn Group Limited

Supervision of the Maintenance scope of the Maintenance & Inspection Engineering Contract (MIEC) –participation to control and execution of the contract - including documentation quality.

Participation during technical reviews for maintainability of installations during detailed engineering. Review of handling/lifting devices installation during construction and commissioning phase.


Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract

Senior Field Engineer, Raeburn Group Limited

Supervises and applies procedures for the operation of Wireline equipment / tools / techniques in order to ensure quality and cost effective service is provided to each customer.

The individual will continue to receive training to extend their knowledge of services related to formation evaluation, production logging, perforating services, conveyance, imaging, and explosive and radioactive handl...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Mechanical Hydraulic Technician - VR/02915, Thorpe Molloy



• Manufacture, assembly, test and servicing of workshop manufactured mechanical and hydraulic kit including but not limited to Hydraulic Power Units, Valve Packs, Pan & Tilts, Actuators a...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Project Engineer, Eden Scott

Eden Scott are recruiting for Project Engineers, the main purpose of job is to assist the project team with the manufacture, installation and commissioning of electrical instrumentation systems, for a significant number of varied projects in onshore and offshore environments.

Key Responsibilities:


• To be responsible for the installation of smalls systems, service, repairs ...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Resourcing and Competency Administrator, Petrofac

We currently seek a Resourcing & Competency Administrator to be based in our Aberdeen Office.

Audit Duties:

To ensure all new contractors for the client have gone through the audit process and have the correct information on file. You will be responsible for ensuring the process is adhered to and that all contractors currently working with the client as well as new starts with the compa...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Mechanical/Hydraulic Technician, Forum Energy Technologies

Forum Energy Technologies require a Mechanical/Hydraulic Technician who will be responsible for the manufacture, assembly, test and servicing of workshop manufactured mechanical and hydraulic kit including but not limited to Hydraulic Power Units, Valve Packs, Pan & Tilts, Actuators and mechanical sub-assemblies and third party supplied equipment. This role is based at Specialist ROV, located in ...

Location: Insch, Aberdeenshire, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Repair & Maintenance Technician x2, Carlton Resource Solutions

Our client is a leading global service provider to the oil and gas industry and has an immediate staff requirement for 2x technicians to join their team.

The main duties of this include but are not limited to:

Refurbish and re-commission and maintenance of units and equipment onshore. Responsible for the installation, testing and calibration of surface logging equipment. Review all equipme...


Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Well Test Engineer, WTS Energy

WTS Energy is urgently looking out for Well Test Engineer on a contract hire to work for leading Oil & Gas Company based in India.

Job description:

•Preparation of Well test Program (WTP)

•Physical supervision of well testing equipment and tools viz. String Design, DST Tools, Surface, Well Testing Equipment, Stimulation units (Nitrogen unit + Acid pumping unit), CT unit, slick - line, Electro...

Location: India, INDIA

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract

Project engineer-Downhole tools-staff/Aberdeen, Huxley

Are you looking for a new position with a large Oil and Gas Company in Aberdeen who are known internationally? I am currently looking for a project engineer to join an established and growing company in Aberdeen. They are looking for someone to come on board and grow within the company. This is an urgent requirement. On top of the progression available, this company pay one of the highest salaries...

Location: Dyce, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

QHSE Co-ordinator 1205-109, Strategic Resources

QHSE Co-ordinator Role Synopsis: To provide effective co-ordination administration support to both the QHSE Department in a professional and courteous manner. Key Accountabilities (includes, but not limited to the following): Assist with the administration of Q-pulse including scanning and filing various documentation including training certification, calibration and audit information. Frequ...

Location: Aberdeenshire, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract

Engineer, Eden Scott

Eden Scott's Client is looking to recruit a Engineer, based in Aberdeen (West).


Key Accountabilities

Assess design brief to produce the best solution to project requirements, considering, timescale, cost, safety, current client and industry standards.

Integrate products from within the group to achieve said solution and offer external product solutions to complete project bri...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Principle Engineer, Eden Scott

Eden Scott's Client is looking to recruit a Principle Engineer, based in Aberdeen.

Key Accountabilities

Assess design brief to produce the best solution to project requirements, considering, timescale, cost, safety, current client and industry standards.

Integrate products from within the group to achieve said solution and offer external product solutions to complete project brief.


Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Senior Engineer, Eden Scott

Eden Scott's Client is looking to recruit a Senior Engineer based in Aberdeen.

Key Accountabilities

Assess design brief to produce the best solution to project requirements, considering, timescale, cost, safety, current client and industry standards.

Integrate products from within the group to achieve said solution and offer external product solutions to complete project brief.

Perform de...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Technical lead, Eden Scott

Purpose of the Job

This is a senior staff position. The post holder will have overarching control of all aspects of fluid power engineering across the entirety of the company’s activities.

Experience/Qualifications Required

• Degree qualified in a relevant engineering discipline

• Chartered Engineer

• Significant experience in fluid power system design

• E...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Engineering Manager, Eden Scott

Eden Scott's Client is currently looking to recruit an Engineering Manager based in Aberdeen. This post is to complement and enhance an existing small but expanding engineering team.

The candidate should be familiar with well service surface and subsurface mechanical equipment. Daily activities would include:

looking after the engineering department and the engineers,

daily tasks include in...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Design Engineer, Eden Scott

Eden Scott's Client is currently looking to recruit a Design Engineer, based in Dunfermline.


" Process engineering information, under the control of electronic data management system (IMAN), working to current industry codes, contract specifications, Dunfermline Operating Procedures and Global Work Instructions.

Engineering design duties in line with operating procedures, inc...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Senior Electronic Engineer/ Aberdeen/ Staff/ Oil and Gas, Huxley


Are you looking for a new position with a large Oil and Gas Company in Aberdeen who are known internationally? I am currently looking for a Senior Electronics Engineer/ Designer to join an established and growing company in Aberdeen. They are looking for someone to come on board and grow wi...

Location: Dyce, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

SENIOR / LEAD INSTRUMENT ENGINEER - Malaysian Only, Velosi Energy Consultants SDN BHD

Accountable for:

• As assigned by the Engr. Manager, completing deliverables within budgeted cost and schedule at the appropriate level of quality.

• Provide coaching and mentoring to I&C engineers regarding their deliverables.

• Analyzing and recommending solutions to technical problems in the I&C area.

• Identify opportunities for work process and design tool improvements (with a focus...

Location: Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Exports Document Management Coordinator, Orion Engineering Services Ltd

Our client is an international consortium of several major Oil & Gas companies

They are currently recruiting for the position of Exports Document Management Coordinator, based in Baku Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan local national salary and terms of employment apply to this position.

Main responsibilities will include:

Circulation ...

Location: Baku city, AZERBAIJAN

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract

Senior Document Controller, Orion Group

Our client is a global provider of services and engineering solutions and work in diverse environments offering the scale and scope to approach any territory or technical challenge. Employing over 20,000 personnel they operate in around 40 countries worldwide

As Senior Document Controller your main responsibilities will include

Assist in managing the daily performance and ...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract

Assistant Treasurer, Raeburn Group Limited

Reporting to the Group Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer (Operations) is responsible for cash management, operational banking and financial market activity throughout the group. This is a key role within a small treasury team.

Key Responsibilities and Tasks:

Daily operational liquidity management activities

Set-up and maintenance of efficient cash management structures

Integration of...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Real Estate Technical Assistant, Raeburn Group Limited


This position will assist the Region Real Estate Manager with developing a Real Estate Database to track all our client's Properties. The database will be continuously updated once set up to reflect the current Property Portfolio. In conjunction with this a new Electronic Library will be developed to store all building related documents, plans, certification etc.


Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Electronic Software Engineer, Carlton Resource Solutions

Our client are a leading Subsea Oil and Gas company who require an experienced Electronic/Software Engineer to support the company's current and future activities globally. The position will be based in Aberdeen and may cover a number of areas including control system design, development and technical support for remote intervention tooling systems, ROV and autonomous systems and Launch and Recov...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

ROV Tooling Project Manager, Carlton Resource Solutions

Our client are a leading Subsea service company and are currently recruiting for a ROV Tooling Project Manager, this is on a staff basis located in Aberdeen.

Responsibilities include:

Management of Tooling assets, Area Business development, Client communication, and the Coordination and of equipment and personnel in the UK and overseas.

Travel to areas of responsibility on an as requi...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Senior Production Engineer, Air Energi

Air Energi is a company specialized in Oil and Gas Sector which works with Operators, Contractors and Subcontractors as a recruitment company.

As a recruiter, I am looking for a Senior Production Engineer.

The position is based in Paris.

My client is an Operator.

This is a permanent position.


The growth ambition of our clie...

Location: Paris, FRANCE

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Project Engineer (Service Department), Orion Group

87788 - Project Engineer (Service Department)

Our client is a global leader in electronic security and fire protection. Employing over 80,000 people they operate in a variety of industries including maritime, mining & petrochemicals.

They are currently recruiting for the position of Project Engineer (Service Department), based in Norwich.

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Maintenance Engineer (TT/MaiEng/Aberdeen), Linear Recruitment Ltd


• Maintenance Engineer is responsible for

• Supervision of the Maintenance scope of the Maintenance & Inspection Engineering Contract (MIEC) – participation to control and execution of the contract - including documentation quality.

• Participation during technical reviews for maintainability of installations during detailed engineering. Review of handling/lifting devices installat...

Location: Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Contract

Senior Mechanical Discipline Engineer, Orion Group

87789 - Senior Mechanical Discipline Engineer

Our client is a global leader in electronic security and fire protection. Employing over 80,000 people they operate in a variety of industries including maritime, mining & petrochemicals.

They are currently recruiting for the position of Senior Mechanical Discipline Engineer, based in Norwich.

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Stores Controller, Orion Group

87787 - Stores Controller

Our client is a global leader in electronic security and fire protection. Employing over 80,000 people they operate in a variety of industries including maritime, mining & petrochemicals.

They are currently recruiting for the position of Stores Controller, based in Norwich.

Job Description

To ...

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Mechanical Graduate Engineer, Orion Group

87786 - Mechanical Graduate Engineer

Our client is a global leader in electronic security and fire protection. Employing over 80,000 people they operate in a variety of industries including maritime, mining & petrochemicals.

They are currently recruiting for the position of Mechanical Graduate Engineer, based in Norwich.

Job Descrip...

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Hydraulic Technician (Offshore/Onshore & Manufacture), Orion Group

87785 - Hydraulic Technician (Offshore/Onshore & Manufacture)

Our client is a global leader in electronic security and fire protection. Employing over 80,000 people they operate in a variety of industries including maritime, mining & petrochemicals.

They are currently recruiting for the position of Hydraulic Technician (Offshore/Onshore & Manufacture), based in Norwich.

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Workshop Hydraulic Technician, Orion Group

87781 - Workshop Hydraulic Technician

Our client is a global leader in electronic security and fire protection. Employing over 80,000 people they operate in a variety of industries including maritime, mining & petrochemicals.

They are currently recruiting for the position of Workshop Hydraulic Technician, based in Norwich.

Job Descr...

Location: Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM

Electronic Engineering Job Type: Staff

Electronics Engineer Jobs Pakistan

All Jobs with Tag: Electronics Engineering

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CyberLock-Electronic Lock

Complete access control for doors, padlocks, gates, and cabinets.

Electronic Engineering

enting Discrete Fourier Transform in Atmega32 to make an audio spectrum analyzer
Now I did a small audio spectrum analyzer (0 - 10KHz) on a 16×2 character lcd using an Atmel AVR ATmega32 microcontroller...
» Renault ZOE sets new EV record: 1,618 km in 24 hours

The Renault Zoe has set a new world record for the longest distance travelled in 24 hours by a production electric car, completing 363 laps of the Aubevoye speed ring in Normandy, France for a total distance of 1,618 km, thereby besting the former record of 1,280 km by 25%.
» The Industry's First Microcontroller with Audio Playback Function

LAPIS Semiconductor (a ROHM Group company) has announced the development of the industry’s first single-chip low power microcontroller that combines existing microcontroller functions optimized for home appliances with a high-fidelity, low power audio playback function.
» IR Introduces Family of Rugged, Reliable Automotive-Qualified Power MOSFETs Housed in TO-220 Fullpak Package

International Rectifier introduced a family of automotive-qualified power MOSFETs housed in a rugged TO-220 fullpak package for automotive applications including BLDC motors, pumps and cooling systems.
» USB password generator

Having done half a dozen V-USB tutorials I decided it’s time to whip up something cool. As USB keyboards were an area untouched, I decided to make a small USB HID keyboard device that types a password stored in EEPROM every time it’s attached. A new password can be generated just by tabbing CAPS LOCK a few times (4 times to start password regeneration and one tab for each password character generated, 10 is the default password length).
» Analog Devices Debuts Industry's Highest Performing 13 GHz PLL Synthesizer

Analog Devices, Inc. announced the industry’s highest performance 13 GHz PLL synthesizer. The ADF4159 achieves breakthrough phase detector operating frequency of 110 MHz and simultaneously consumes less than 100 mW of power, which is 5 times less than competitive solutions.
» Ricoh unveils a portable, self-contained videoconferencing system for business

Ricoh Americas Corporation announced the Ricoh P3000 Unified Communication System: a portable, sleek, self-contained videoconferencing system as easy to use as a mobile phone.
» Analog Devices Introduces Industry's First Analog 3-axis, High-G MEMS Accelerometer

Analog Devices, Inc. introduced the industry’s first commercially available analog, 3-axis, high-g MEMS accelerometer. The ADXL377 measures acceleration of high-impact events resulting from shock and vibration, within the full-scale range of ±200 g with no signal saturation.
» LAPIS Semiconductor starts mass-production of ultra-compact microcontrollers that take integrated control of various sensors installed on smart phones with low power consumption

PackageFor the smart phone market, LAPIS Semiconductor, a ROHM Group company, has developed “ML610Q792,” one of the world’s smallest class of low power microcontrollers.
» Samsung TecTiles are Programmable NFC Stickers

Samsung announced TecTiles, its new programmable NFC stickers. The TecTiles can be programmed using the TecTile programming app for Android. Once programmed, the TecTiles will become small NFC activators that can tell any NFC smartphone to perform an action such as sending a text message, setting an alarm, or silencing the phone.

'Nanocable' could be big boon for energy storage
IBM NNSA Sequoia brings the 'world's fastest supercomputer' title back to the US
Implementing Discrete Fourier Transform in Atmega32 to make an audio spectrum analyzer
Renault ZOE sets new EV record: 1,618 km in 24 hours
Analog Devices Debuts Industry's Highest Performing 13 GHz PLL Synthesizer
Murata's World's Smallest Micro DC-DC Converter - LXDC Series Advances Mobile Device Miniaturization and Increases Functionality
NXP Releases Smallest, Toughest Power MOSFETs
Analog Devices Introduces Industry's First Analog 3-axis, High-G MEMS Accelerometer
The Industry's First Microcontroller with Audio Playback Function
IR Introduces Family of Rugged, Reliable Automotive-Qualified Power MOSFETs Housed in TO-220 Fullpak Package
ARM fills in GPU line with Mali-450
Samsung TecTiles are Programmable NFC Stickers
LAPIS Semiconductor starts mass-production of ultra-compact microcontrollers that take integrated control of various sensors installed on smart phones with low power consumption
Newport Media Introduces World's Smallest, Lowest Power 802.11n Wi-Fi SoC
Fairchild Semiconductor's EcoSPARK® 2 Ignition Coil Driver Reduces Power Dissipation, Enhances Performance of Ignition IGBTs
AMD LiveBox is an x86 wall plug computer
Plessey lowers cost of electric-field sensor
Analog Devices Introduces Industry's Lowest Power MEMS Accelerometer
Analog Devices introduced the ADuCM360 - Analog Microcontroller with ARM Cortex-M3 and dual 24-Bit Sigma-Delta A/D Converters
Isolated Half-Bridge Gate Drivers with Analog Devices' iCoupler Digital Isolator Technology Deliver Industry-Best Speed and Reliability
Z-Communications Announces Low Cost VCO Provides Wideband Solution for Satellite Communication Systems
2.4GHz WiFi & ISM Band Scanner. Part 3 - Assembly, Using the Scanner
2.4GHz WiFi & ISM Band Scanner. Part 2 - Firmware and Sowtware
2.4GHz WiFi & ISM Band Scanner. Part 1 - Description and Schematic
Agilent Technologies Introduces Industry's First Integrated Product that Can Characterize All Modern Semiconductor Power Devices
Integrated Relay Driver from Diodes Incorporated Optimizes Inductive Load Control
New Low Voltage Protection Switch from Supertex Prevents High Transient Voltages in Ethernet Systems
THAT Corporation Introduces Low-Noise Digital Gain Controller for High-Quality Audio Performance
200mA high-speed LDO regulator with an inrush current prevention XC6233 Series
Micronas sets new standards for linear Hall-effect sensors with its new HAL® 24xy family


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